He’s Coming Back to the White House Sunday. Do You Know What Your President Was Up to on His Vacation?

President Barack Obama has been on a break for the past two weeks, vacationing as the world seemed to fall apart: the Islamic State forged a caliphatean American journalist was beheaded by Islamic State radicals, Israel and Hamas traded fire, and the St. Louis, Missouri, suburb of Ferguson burned.

Obama was not entirely absent as the crises unfolded, weighing in with phone calls to foreign leaders and making media statements.

Obamas Vacation Broken Down — Lots of Golf

To get a sense of exactly what he was up to in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, the Associated Press broke down Obama’s vacation by the numbers:

— 14: Days, all or part, spent on the island
— 9: Golf outings
— 2: Golf courses played
— 1: Beach outing, with Michelle Obama and daughter Malia
— 1: Bike ride, with Mrs. Obama and Malia
— 1: Fundraiser headlined, for Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
— 1: Birthday parties attended, for wife of Democratic powerbroker Vernon Jordan
— 1: interactions with former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton while on the island, at the Jordan birthday party

– And more…

The AP reported that Obama was wrapping up his vacation and is due back in the White House late Sunday.

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